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2023 ICTR Presentations and Event Materials

Did you miss an ICTR event? You can view handouts, recordings and contact information for the event organizer in the list below.

We hope that you find our lectures and workshops informative and engaging. Feel free to visit our partners at the University of Maryland Baltimore ICTR (UMB ICTR) for additional enrichment activities. 

2023 Events

De-Mystifying E-Consent


Megan Singleton, JD, MBE, CIP, Scott Carey, and Bob Lange

Contact Scott Carey at [email protected] for additional information.

Slides | Video

Data Manager’s Advisory Board and Interest Group Website

Power: Democratizing  Access to Clinical Trial Information

Contact Stephanie Swords at [email protected] for additional information.


Community Forum on Healthy Aging

An annual event where local residents, patients, scientists, and health care professionals come together for a “real talk” about healthy aging and to share what scientists and clinicians understand so far about living well as we age.

Contact Crystal Evans at [email protected] for additional information.

View the Session

Community Forum on Healthy Aging Forum Website

Community Forum on Healthy Aging

An annual event where local residents, patients, scientists, and health care professionals come together for a “real talk” about healthy aging and to share what scientists and clinicians understand so far about living well as we age.

Contact Crystal Evans at [email protected] for additional information.
View the Session

Community Forum on Healthy Aging Forum Website

The Johns Hopkins OHSR Compliance Monitoring Program: What to Expect When You’re Being FDA Inspected

Fred Luthardt, DBe, MA
Director, Compliance Monitoring Program

Contact Stephanie Swords at [email protected] for additional information.


Get that Paper Out the Door


Kimberly A. Skarupski, PhD, MPH
Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development, Office of Faculty
Professor, Department of Medicine
Professor, Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of Public Health

Contact Mia Terkowitz at [email protected] for additional information.

K-to-R Transition Program Website

Day at the Market is an outreach and engagement program launched in 2016 at the Northeast Market, located adjacent to the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus.

For questions, please contact Barbara Bates-Hopkins [email protected].

2023 Calendar


Dr. Peter Hotez
Author of “The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science: A Scientist’s Warning

For questions, please send a message to [email protected].

Medicine for the Greater Good Website 


Cathy Cao 
Academic Program Administrator

For questions, please contact Cathy Cao at [email protected].

Clinical Research Scholars Program (KL2) Website

Mentorship During the K to R Transition


Carisa M. Cooney, MPH,CCRP
Associate Professor, Director of Education Innovation
Clinical Research Manager, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
School of Medicine

Contact Mia Terkowitz at [email protected] for additional information.

K-to-R Transition Program Website


Diana Bianchi, MD
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 

Contact Laurel McDevitt at [email protected].

 Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital Website 

Day at the Market is an outreach and engagement program launched in 2016 at the Northeast Market, located adjacent to the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus.

For questions, please contact Barbara Bates-Hopkins [email protected].

2023 Calendar

Ethical Considerations for Using Biospecimens in Research


Jessica Williams
Megan Singleton
Dr. Dan Ford

Office of Human Subjects Research

Contact Jessica Williams, Biospecimen Program Administrator at [email protected] for additional information.

Slides | Video

Third Thursdays Website

Day at the Market is an outreach and engagement program launched in 2016 at the Northeast Market, located adjacent to the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus.

For questions, please contact Barbara Bates-Hopkins [email protected].

2023 Calendar

Honoring the Legacy of Henrietta Lacks

Keynote Speaker:

Daniel Dawes, JD
Senior Vice President of Global Health Equity
Executive Director of the Institute of Global Health Equity
Meharry Medical College

Contact us at [email protected] for more information.

View Recording

Henrietta Lacks Memorial Lecture Website

Examined tools and processes for improving patient care through data science.

Precision Medicine Symposium Website

Day at the Market is an outreach and engagement program launched in 2016 at the Northeast Market, located adjacent to the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus.

For questions, please contact Barbara Bates-Hopkins [email protected].

2023 Calendar

The CONNECT Project


Hailey Miller, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Contact Hailey Miller, PhD at [email protected] for additional information.


Third Thursdays Website

K-to-R Kickoff


Gail L. Daumit, MD, MHS, FACP
Samsung Professor of Medicine
Vice Dean for Clinical Investigation, School of Medicine

Kimberly A. Skarupski, PhD, MPH
Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development,
Office of Faculty Development, School of Medicine
Professor, Department of Medicine
Professor, Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of Public Health

Contact Mia Terkowitz at [email protected] for additional information.

K-to-R Transition Program Website

Day at the Market is an outreach and engagement program launched in 2016 at the Northeast Market, located adjacent to the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus.

For questions, please contact Barbara Bates-Hopkins [email protected].

2023 Calendar


Paul Shapiro, PhD
Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Science
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
University of Maryland, Baltimore

Contact the UMB ICTR Navigators at [email protected] for additional information.

UMB ICTR Enrichment Series Website

University of Maryland Baltimore ICTR (UMB ICTR) Enrichment Series: Discovering New Medicines in Academia


Barbara Slusher, PhD, MAS
Professor, Neurology, Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Neuroscience, Medicine, Oncology
Director, Johns Hopkins Drug Discovery
Co-Director, ICTR Drug Discovery Development Core Lab
Co-Director, Center for the Advancement of HIV Neurotherapeutics (JH CAHN)
Vice-Director, Pedersen Brain Science Institute

Contact the UMB ICTR Navigators at [email protected] for additional information.


UMB ICTR Enrichment Series Website

Day at the Market is an outreach and engagement program launched in 2016 at the Northeast Market, located adjacent to the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus.

For questions, please contact Barbara Bates-Hopkins [email protected].

2023 Calendar

Day at the Market is an outreach and engagement program launched in 2016 at the Northeast Market, located adjacent to the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus.

For questions, please contact Barbara Bates-Hopkins [email protected].

2023 Calendar

Day at the Market is an outreach and engagement program launched in 2016 at the Northeast Market, located adjacent to the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus.

For questions, please contact Barbara Bates-Hopkins [email protected].

2023 Calendar

Day at the Market is an outreach and engagement program launched in 2016 at the Northeast Market, located adjacent to the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus.

For questions, please contact Barbara Bates-Hopkins [email protected].

2023 Calendar

Using PCORnet for Your Next Study

This workshop was designed to equip investigators of all levels with the tools and know-how for conducting research studies using PCORnet, and to build awareness of PCORI funding opportunities. The workshop promoted networking with investigators and patient partners across PCORnet and provided opportunities to consult with the Coordinating Center on research concepts. 

Contact Andrea Sorensen at [email protected] for additional information.

Day at the Market is an outreach and engagement program launched in 2016 at the Northeast Market, located adjacent to the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus.

For questions, please contact Barbara Bates-Hopkins [email protected].

2023 Calendar

Community and Patient Outreach


Tina Tolson, Cassie Lewis-Land, Cyd Lacanienta, and Josh Abel and Todd Nesson

Contact Scott Carey at [email protected] for additional information.

Slides | Video

Data Manager’s Advisory Board and Interest Group Website

Banning Bad Meetings- The Science and Practice of Effective Team Meetings


Marissa Shuffler, MD
Wallace R. Roy Associate Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology  Clemson University

Contact Sarah Stevens at [email protected] for more information.


Clinical Trials Day 2023 was celebrated at both the Johns Hopkins Bayview campus and the Johns Hopkins East Baltimore campus. Faculty, staff, students and community members gathered to share experiences and learn more about clinical research. Researchers discussed the importance of  sharing research findings with the community and attendees were able to have an open dialogue and ask questions directly to study team members. The Orioles bird even made an appearance!

If you are a researcher interested in attending next year’s celebration, please contact us at [email protected].


Transitioning from K to R


Meredith McCormack, MD, MHS
Associate Director, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
Associate Professor of Medicine
School of Medicine

Richard Edden, PhD, MSc
Professor of Radiology and Radiological Science
School of Medicine

Contact Mia Terkowitz at [email protected] for additional information.

K-to-R Transition Program Website

ICTR Research Coordinator Support Service &


Tony Keyes, MBA
Program Administrator

Mais Hamdawi, MD
Community Outreach Coordinator, Community and Collaboration Core

Contact Tony Keyes, MBA at [email protected] for additional information.


Third Thursdays Website

Research Coordinator Support Service Website

Research Support and Ethics


Alan Regenberg, Oswald Tetteh, Tony Keyes and Stephanie Swords

Contact Scott Carey at [email protected] for additional information.

Slides | Video

Data Manager’s Advisory Board and Interest Group Website

Day at the Market is an outreach and engagement program launched in 2016 at the Northeast Market, located adjacent to the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus.

For questions, please contact Barbara Bates-Hopkins [email protected].

2023 Calendar

This two-part virtual event highlighted research projects conducted by the TL1 trainees (from Johns Hopkins University, Morgan State University, and the University of Maryland Baltimore) that examine health and social concerns impacting diverse communities.

Contact Crystal Evans at [email protected] for additional information.

ICTR Community and Collaboration Core Website 

ICTR Community Research Advisory Council (C-RAC)

Day at the Market is an outreach and engagement program launched in 2016 at the Northeast Market, located adjacent to the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus.

For questions, please contact Barbara Bates-Hopkins [email protected].

2023 Calendar

ICTR Community Engagement Consultation Service


Cyd Lacanienta, MSW
Associate Director of Stakeholder Engagement, Community and Collaboration Core

Crystal Evans, MS
Community Outreach Coordinator, Community and Collaboration Core

Roger Clark, MBA
Community Co-Chair, Community Research Advisory Council

Michael Thompson
Community Research Advisory Council Member

Pamela Ouyang, MBBS
Academic Co-Chair, Community Research Advisory Council

Contact Crystal Evans, MS at [email protected] for additional information.


Third Thursdays Website

Community Research Advisory Council (C-RAC) Website

Data and Analysis Support Services


Jacky Jennings, Gayane Yenokyan and Pete Lawson

Contact Scott Carey at [email protected] for additional information.

Slides | Video

Data Manager’s Advisory Board and Interest Group Website

This two-part virtual event highlighted research projects conducted by the TL1 trainees (from Johns Hopkins University, Morgan State University, and the University of Maryland Baltimore) that examine health and social concerns impacting diverse communities.

Contact Crystal Evans at [email protected] for additional information.

ICTR Community and Collaboration Core Website 

ICTR Community Research Advisory Council (C-RAC)

Day at the Market is an outreach and engagement program launched in 2016 at the Northeast Market, located adjacent to the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus.

For questions, please contact Barbara Bates-Hopkins [email protected].

2023 Calendar

Building and Strengthening Your Research Team

Speaker: Michael Rosen, PhD, MA Associate Professor of Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Contact Mia Terkowitz at [email protected] for additional information. K-to-R Transition Program Website

UMB-JHU Joint Symposium on Drug Discovery

Featured presentations that showcased the robust community of drug discovery research and provided an open forum for scientific exchange.

Contact Barbara Slusher, MD at [email protected] for additional information.

 UMB-JHU Institute for Clinical & Translational Research (ICTR)

University of Maryland School of Pharmacy

Johns Hopkins Drug Discovery Program

What Human Performance Measures Can Do for You & What You Should Know about Physiological Tests for Clinical Studies

Dr. Neal Fedarko
ICTR Research Laboratory Core, School of Medicine

Dr. Will Fountain
Division of Geriatric Medicine, School of Medicine

Dr. Ryan Dougherty
Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of Public Health

Contact Neal Fedarko, PhD at [email protected] for additional information.

Slides | Video

Third Thursdays Website

ICTR Research Laboratory Core Website

Team Science in Practice


Israel Gannot, PhD
Professor, Biomedical Engineering Department
Tel-Aviv University School of Engineering
Associate Research Professor
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Contact Sara Stevens at [email protected] for additional information.

Team Science Coffee Break Series Website

Investigator’s Guide to Fiscal Management of NIH and Other Funded Awards Speaker:

Joy Bolden, CRA

Grants and Contracts Manager, Health Policy and Management

Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Contact Mia Terkowitz at [email protected] for additional information. K-to-R Transition Program Website

University of Maryland Baltimore ICTR (UMB ICTR) Enrichment Series: The University of Maryland-Institute for Health Computing


Bradley A. Maron, MD, FAHA
Senior Associate Dean for Precision Medicine,
Professor of Medicine
University of Maryland, Baltimore
Executive Co-Director,
University of Maryland-Institute for Computing
Director, Pulmonary Hypertension Center
University of Maryland Medical Center

Contact the UMB ICTR Navigators at [email protected] for additional information.

UMB ICTR Enrichment Series Website

Communicating Research Effectively Using Social Media and Other Communications Strategies

Emma Smith 
ICTR Social Innovation Unit

Tosin Tomiwa
ICTR Social Innovation Unit

Contact Emma Smith at [email protected] for additional information.

Slides | Video

Third Thursdays Website


Speakers- Daniel E. Ford, MD, MPH; Suzanne Jan De Beur, MD; Shipra Sachdeva, MS; and Todd Nesson, MS

Contact Scott Carey at [email protected] for additional information.

Slides 1 | Slides 2 | Video

Data Manager’s Advisory Board and Interest Group Website

The grant provides each scholar up to $30,000 of supplemental research funds, in direct costs, over 12 months to support awardees’ current or developing research.

Contact Mia Terkowitz at [email protected] for additional information.

Doris Duke Early Clinician Investigator Award Website

R01 Specific Aims – Speed Review Session


Funded investigators reviewed three R01 Specific Aims pages.

Contact Mia Terkowitz at [email protected] for additional information.

K-to-R Transition Program Website

Jiangxia Wang, MA, MS
Associate Scientist, Bloomberg School of Public Health

Contact contact Stephanie Swords at [email protected] for additional information.


Article: An Introduction to Power and Sample Size Estimation

Biostatistics and Study Design Program Website