Day at the Market is an outreach and engagement program launched in 2016 at the Northeast Market.
Northeast Market | 2101 E. Monument Street
Baltimore is home to the oldest operating public market system in the United States. The Northeast Market, located 2101 E. Monument Street, was established in 1885 and sits adjacent to the East Baltimore campus. The market is home to over 30 vendors and serves hundreds of people daily, making it the perfect venue to bridge the gap between the local community and Johns Hopkins University.
Faculty, staff, students and researchers from the Schools of Nursing, Public Health and Medicine, gather twice a month to share health and wellness information with those that may lack access to resources. Market visitors have an opportunity to receive free health screenings, speak to physicians and learn about various topics, including nutrition and healthy eating. Through this program, we hope to be a better partner with the east Baltimore community.
If you are interested in participating in the program, please contact Cyd Lacanienta at [email protected].
We recognize that the Market venue may be a high-risk area for acquiring COVID-19 and it is important that we all follow the most current safety guidelines. Our infrastructure plans will follow the Johns Hopkins guidelines. Please visit frequently for the most up-to-date guidelines from Johns Hopkins.
Thank you for your continued support and interest in the Day at the Market program.
A Day At The Market Program is a collaboration of: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Institute for Clinical and Translational Research; Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering; Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins; Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology; Johns Hopkins Medicine Office of Government and Community Affairs; and the Baltimore Public Market Corporation (BPMC).