Mission: To foster and promote synergistic research between Kaiser Permanente and Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Research represents a particular synergistic opportunity with potential for broad impact inside and outside both organizations. The work of the collaboration will concentrate on fostering research that will benefit both organizations and present the opportunity for much broader impact—changing the way medicine is practiced and associated healthcare policies.
About Us
Kaiser regions include Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Mid-Atlantic States (VA, MD, DC), Northern California, Northwest (Oregon/Washington) and Southern California. Each Kaiser Permanente region has its own research enterprise. Each regional research enterprise has its own leadership and areas of emphasis. Kaiser Permanente research is primarily funded by such external sources as the National Institutes for Health and the Centers for Disease Control, and it reaches beyond clinical practice to include behavioral, genetic, and environmental research. The research enterprises encourage collaboration among themselves, and many projects are interregional. For such projects, each region will likely have its own investigator to facilitate the research and ensure quality results.
Further, the Kaiser Foundation Research Institute, which holds the FWA for Kaiser Permanente, develops and assures compliance with research-related government regulations and Kaiser Permanente policies and procedures. Kaiser Foundation Research Institute also works with the Kaiser Permanente National Research Council (here represented by Drs. Horberg and Jacobsen, along with Director of Kaiser Foundation Research Institute Dr. Emmons) to develop and implement the Kaiser Permanente Research strategy. All Kaiser Permanente regions participate in the PCORnet PORTAL CDRN. The RCC will work to promote the Kaiser Permanente/Johns Hopkins collaboration broadly in Kaiser Permanente.
Mid-Atlantic Permanente Research Institute (MAPRI)
MAPRI is the research enterprise for Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States region, within the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group (MAPMG), with the mission to advance medical knowledge and improve the quality of care and health of our patients and communities we serve by conducting innovative scientific and clinical research. MAPRI staff encompass a wide range of expertise, including clinical trials, health services and health policy research, epidemiology, health informatics, biostatistics, data management, research grants and contract administration, and numerous clinical specialties.
MAPRI research staff have full access to KPMAS databases, registries, and data with appropriate IRB approval. Close ties with the Medical Group and Health Plan enable a number of support services, including comprehensive health education departments and libraries, an extensive regionalized data management system, and communications team. In addition, collaborative ties exist with various local institutions, as well as other organizations across the U.S., including other Kaiser Permanente research units and the HMO Research Network (HMORN), the NIAID-sponsored North American HIV Observational Cohort Collaboration (NA-ACCORD), Cancer Research Network (CRN), and the FDA Mini-Sentinel Initiative.