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ICTR Recruitment Innovation Unit Members Featured Speakers at National Recruitment Symposium

Congratulations to Bunmi Ogunbe, PhD, and Cassie Lewis-Land, MS, CCRP, for their exceptional contributions at Vanderbilt’s Symposium on Innovative, Inclusive, and Intentional Strategies to Enhance Recruitment and Retention in Clinical Trials.

Cassie Lewis-Land, MS, CCRP, program administrator for the ICTR Recruitment Innovation Unit, discussed MyChart Recruitment Service Enhancements from 2016 to 2023, the ICTR HOPE Registry, and highlighted the advancements made in leveraging technology for clinical trial recruitment. Bunmi Ogunbe, PhD, postdoctoral fellow at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, presented on the use of the CONNECT registry to enhance participant diversity; covered valuable insights on its formation, findings, lessons learned; and next steps for the registry. Ogunbe’s participation in the panel discussion, further emphasized the practical implementation of strategies to increase participant diversity.

The work of both Lewis and Ogunbe greatly advances the field of research and underscores the importance of diversity and inclusivity in clinical trials!

For more information about the symposium, please visit

If you are a member of a study team seeking recruitment assistance, you may submit a Recruitment Innovation Consultation Request.