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Overview of the BIRCWH Program

The Johns Hopkins BIRCWH program (JH-BIRCWH) was established to develop highly qualified, independent investigators to conduct women’s health research. These independent investigators will be leaders now and in the future, developing innovative, interdisciplinary programs of research that will improve health and social outcomes for diverse women, and also men, across the lifespan.

To achieve that goal, the JH-BIRCWH will:

  • recruit promising and highly motivated junior faculty scholars from within Johns Hopkins University, with priority given to investigators from groups underrepresented in research
  • use a learner-centered and competency-based approach to interdisciplinary career development under the guidance of a team of nationally recognized, committed and experienced women’s health mentors
  • develop independent, ethical women’s health research leaders

During their mentored research, scholars will broaden their understanding of women’s health research through the lens of a life course perspective, with particular attention to research on the health needs of diverse and high risk populations. JH-BIRCWH will highlight three core strength areas of mentored interdisciplinary research with highly experienced, nationally and internationally recognized, senior faculty active in research related to women’s health, committed to supporting and sponsoring JH BIRCWH scholars.

All JH-BIRCWH scholars will be required to fulfill the following requirements while in the program (subject to change):

  • Submit an abstract and present a poster at the annual BIRCWH NIH Meeting in DC.
  • Attend Grants-In-Progress and Program Seminars  – 1st Tuesday 3rd Monday of each month, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  • Schedule regular meetings with their mentor(s).
  • Submit a yearly IDP, budget justification, and progress report.