Welcome! Our team is here to help guide investigators through the processes of COVID-19 study design, approval, and implementation.
We offer planning resources for investigators conducting COVID-19 research involving participant interaction, data, and stored specimens. We also provide information about IRB approved COVID-19 research studies, links to relevant resources, and contact people to whom you can reach out for help at each stage.
We encourage you to review our town hall sessions and to reach out to us at COVID19ResearchCtr@jhmi.edu for help with your study.
Mark Sulkowski, MD
Stephanie Swords, MA, CCRP; COVID Research Operations Administrator
Kelly Dooley, MD, MPH, PhD
David Hager, MD, PhD
William Nelson, MD, PhD, Chair
Andrea Cox, MD, PhD
Daniel Ford, MD, MPH
Elizabeth Jaffee, MD
Sumati Murli, PhD
Antony Rosen, MB, ChB, MS
Richard Rothman, MD, PhD
Lauren Sauer, MS
Megan Singleton, JD, MBE, CIP
Jeremy Sugarman, MA, MD, MPH
Mark Sulkowski, MD
David Thomas, MD, MPH