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Exploring Innovative Models for Collaborative Impact: Community-Academia Partnerships & Practitioner Research

This session explores innovative models for collaborative impact.

Team Science Coffee Break April 17

Payam Sheikhattari, MD, MPH is a professor of Public Health at Morgan State University, and directs the Prevention Sciences Research Center. With 20+ years in community health, he focuses on community-led initiatives, targeting minorities and low-income groups to address urban health disparities. Notable achievements include leading NIH-funded projects, such as the “ASCEND” Training Model, and directing initiatives like Morgan CARES and the CEASE trial. He’s also a Principal Collaborator on the American Heart Association’s IMPACT project and an author on practitioner research in health professions.

This session:

  • reviews innovative CBPR models for fostering community-academic partnerships
  • draws from Dr. Nina Wallerstein’s Engaged for Equity conceptual model, which led to the creation of Morgan CARES services and core model (a community-engaged core located in a renovated facility in East Baltimore)
  • introduces practitioner research as a methodological approach to harness the power of team science and collaborative research in clinical settings

Handout: 7 Steps of the Practitioner Research Method

Episode 6.1

Episode 6.2