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Join Us for the 2024 Team Science Showcase

ICTR Team Science Showcase April 3

Team Science Showcase
Design for Belonging: How to Build Inclusion and Collaboration
Wednesday, April 3, 2024 | 1:00 -3:00 pm
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The first 100 registrants will receive a free copy of Dr. Wise’s Book, Design for Belonging, mailed to them at no cost.

This workshop will feature a keynote presentation and question and answer session with Susie Wise, PhD, on the topic of Design for Belonging: How to Build Inclusion and Collaboration in Your Communities. In the second half of the event, attendees will participate in interactive panel discussions with the 2021, 2022, and 2023 ICTR Team Science Award winners.


The concept of the Science of Team Science answers the question, “How do groups, particularly interdisciplinary groups, move through a process together?” Advances in translational research are increasingly dependent on teams of individuals with different perspectives, backgrounds, and skills working collaboratively towards a common goal. How team members collaborate and communicate continues to evolve, particularly in environments rich in knowledge and experiential diversity. Collaboration among teams goes beyond traditional boundaries, accommodating an increasingly blended and dispersed workforce.


1) Describe the concept of Design for Belonging;

2) Discuss how Design for Belonging applies to research teams;

3) Highlight the importance of teams and collaboration in research efforts;

4) Demonstrate strategies for building effective research teams; and

5) Share lessons learned by effective Johns Hopkins science teams.

Target Audience:

This workshop is appropriate for any Johns Hopkins or ICTR partner researcher interested in improving their ability to lead or work within interdisciplinary research teams effectively. Interdisciplinary research teams can look like many things. It might be cross-school collaborations (e.g., Medicine, Public Health, Nursing, Engineering, Arts & Sciences, Education, or Business), collaborations across different department or fields of study, or collaborations with different types of organizations and institutions (e.g., community-academic partnerships). Whether you are starting a new team or seeking to enhance the effectiveness of your current team, this workshop will provide you with insights and tools to apply in your work.

What to Expect:

While this is a virtual event, it is a “hands on,” interactive community forum. The workshop will be broken down into two main sections: a keynote address by Dr. Wise and smaller breakout room discussions featuring representatives of the ICTR Team Science Award winning teams. More information on the breakout room topics will be shared prior to the event.


The first 100 registrants will receive a free copy of Dr. Wise’s Book, Design for Belonging, mailed to them at no cost. (One copy per person/address and only domestic US registrants are eligible to receive the free copy of the book.)

Learn More:

Team Science Trainings