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Research Dissemination through Storytelling Workshop

Research Dissemination through Storytelling with Dr. David Fakunle

Dissemination of research findings is critical to the adoption of evidence-supported interventions within specific settings of practice or community.

It can, however, be challenging to effectively communicate these science-backed practices and behaviors to a broader audience. Thus, researchers must employ tools proven to be effective in attracting people’s attention, such as the oral tradition of telling a story. Through storytelling, researchers can engage, maintain, and empower the audience while disseminating research.

In Fall 2020, Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical and Translational Research’s Community and Collaboration Core hosted a two-part workshop series with Dr. David Fakunle to provide the basic tenets of storytelling as a tool for dissemination of research. Part 1 was a didactic session that introduced the core elements of storytelling; elucidated the importance of language, particularly when conveying scientific work to a non-scientific audience; and discussed how to relate research to the real (i.e. not hypothetical, theoretical, or conceptual) circumstances of populations. Part 2 then provided an opportunity to learn and become comfortable with proven techniques to engage, maintain, and empower the audience while disseminating research.

Based on the exciting feedback from last year, storytelling training is back! The information from the introductory session has been converted into three short (approximately 10 minutes each) videos.

Introduction to Storytelling

How to Develop Your Story

An Example of Research Dissemination Through Storytelling

If you enjoyed the material in these videos and want to learn more and practice your storytelling skills, please contact Sarah Stevens at [email protected].