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Funding Opportunity: Cures Within Reach

Letter of Intent Deadline: Monday, June 26, 2023

View Request for Proposals 


Cures Within Reach has reopened the funding opportunity Requests for Proposal (RFP) for US-based clinical repurposing trials impacting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).  LOI due 6/26/23.

Budgets of up to $75,000 are accepted for clinical repurposing trials that are EITHER 1) led by any underrepresented PI in any disease OR 2) address health disparities among any underserved populations led by any PI; OR both 1) and 2). This year, CWR has expanded our DEI efforts to include:

  • Any underrepresented PIs:
    • Specific racial/ethnic minorities underrepresented on a national basis (Blacks, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Americans/Alaskans/Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders
    • Individuals with physical/mental disabilities
    • Individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds
    • Women, who are underrepresented in academic medical research institutions at senior faculty levels in most biomedical-relevant disciplines
    • See for details and eligibility
  • Health disparities among any population:
    • Racial and ethnic minority groups
    • People with lower socioeconomic status
    • Underserved rural communities
    • Sexual and gender minority groups
    • See for details and eligibility
  • Clinical repurposing trials led by an underrepresented PI may, but are not required to, focus on health disparities

Other RFP highlights include:

  • Projects must repurpose approved drugs, devices, nutraceutical and/or diagnostics in a new indication
  • Budgets of up to $75,000 (including the 20% institutional match)are accepted; requested funding can cover all costs or can supplement existing funding
  • Proof of concept clinical trial are preferred,and we are open to co-funding larger trials when CWR funding can help increase the project’s success
  • PIs atany career stage are welcome to apply, and there’s no limit to the number of submissions from any one PI or institution
  • Brief Letter of Intent (LOI) submissions are due by June 26, 2023 on ProposalCentral; submit using the “Non-Disease Specific Repurposing Research” program at
  • Top-rated LOIs will be invited to submit a full proposal

More information, view the Request for Proposals or visit