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Register for the Spring 2020 NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration April 20-22

The National Institutes of Health is proud to be hosting the Spring 2020 NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration in Baltimore, Maryland

The NIH Regional Seminar serves the NIH mission of providing education and training for the next generation of biomedical and behavioral scientists. This seminar is intended to:

  • Demystify the application and review process
  • Clarify federal regulations and policies
  • Highlight current areas of special interest or concern

There will be a pre-seminar workshop, Monday, April 20th designed especially for early-stage investigators, and anyone new to IRB review and administration. The workshop, “Human Subjects Protections for NIH-Funded Research” will cover when and how to apply the Common Rule, including recent regulatory revisions.

Who Should Attend? The seminar and optional workshops are appropriate for those who are new to working with the NIH grants process – administrators, early stage investigators, researchers, graduate students, etc. For those with more experience, the seminar offers a few more advanced sessions, updates on policies and processes direct from NIH staff, as well as valuable presentation resources to share with your institution.

For more information, visit the links below.


Pre-Seminar Workshops Agenda

Regional Seminar Website
