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Study Team Research Trainings

Links to various research trainings are below. 

The Johns Hopkins School of Nursing offers a 3 day course which is available 3-4 times a year. Tuition Remission is accepted.

The Johns Hopkins training portal offers the following online training modules (note, some are required courses for IRB Study Teams (noted with *) My Learning can be accessed through

Recommended Modules:

  • Basic Human Subjects research CITI*
  • Conflict of Interest: COI*
  • Clinical Research Management System: CRMS*
  • Research Billing*
  • HIPAA for Research*
  • EPIC
  • Phlebotomy
  • Pregnancy Testing
  • Electronic Patient Record: EPR
  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • DOT/IATA Shipping
  • Good Clinical Practice CITI

Other research related courses are often offered and may be found by browsing the offerings on the portal.


JHMIRB offers training for the electronic IRB system. Online training and tutorials can be found here:


JHSPH offers a graduate level course entitled “Science of Clinical Investigation” information about the SOCI Course can be found here:


ACRP offers education and certification for research professionals

Main Website:

ACRP offer several certifications for different professions:


SoCRA offers education and certification for research professionals

Main Website:

SoCRA offer one certification exam that covers all research professional.


MAGI offers training and certification for research contract professionals

Main Website:

MAGI offers a certification for Clinical Research Contract Professionals.


Coursera is a free online education website that offers college and graduate level classes on a variety of topics – include clinical research.



Information and forms regarding Tuition Remission can be found on the benefits website at: